The Life & Times of a 54 Year Old Online Dater

Thoughts on My Experiences In Search of Love & Companionship, 10 Years Running

On The Road Again April 14, 2021

Filed under: internet dating — Grey Goose, Dirty @ 5:44 am
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Well, not as if I’m actually taking a road trip or anything. Although I will have to drive to the suggested spot for my 1st ‘meet and greet’ or whatever you call a 1st meeting online in several years. Not gonna lie, I’m a little nervous. Mr. OoT did some damage. I allowed it. I allowed him to make me doubt myself and to believe, as he told me often enough, how hard I am to love. Dumb fucker. Him AND me. Anyway, I’ve been back on Bumble for a couple of months but given it the old half assed effort that I felt like investing. Plus my options in eligible bachelors was less than impressive. As an aside, when did ‘consensual non-monogamist’ become a thing? Doesn’t that just mean that you both cheat? Being as I have a hard time sharing a steak, I doubt I would do well sharing a man.

Anywhoo, it seems that April 1st rolled around (ironic, right?) and everyone hopped back online. What used to be a few very ill matched men that would appear, magically turned into many ill matched men! Yippeee! Let the pen palling begin. *insert eye roll here* I’ve been chatting with several different men. The ones that I was super excited about learning more about after reading their profiles (and, let’s be honest, seeing their pictures) stupidly chose not to respond. The big dummies.

I have been chatting with an appropriately aged man who seems to share a lot of common interests with me and loves to travel almost as much as I do. His photos are all over the place, geographically and visually, so not actually sure what he looks like these days, but he asked to meet. And I happily said yes! This will be my 1st date in almost 3 years. Bonus points as he threw out the option of meeting for coffee (hell no) or a cocktail (hell yes) and then proceeded to choose a very cool place that I love not far from my house. Heaven forbid I have to drive too far for a 1st interview. 😉

I think I remember how to do this. I think I remember being kinda good at this. Smile, ask lots of questions, tone down the sarcasm a tiny bit, make eye contact, imagine if I want to kiss him, plan out our entire future together, blah, blah, blah. Okay, okay, we all know I have hard time toning down the sarcasm and that, when I do, it ends badly. My love language is sarcasm. And laughter. And every time I’ve tried to tone that down, it’s always been misinterpreted when it inevitably reaches the surface again.

No clue what I’ll wear. Or what I’ll say. Or how it will go. I will go with good intentions, and optimistic spirit and ALL my stones and crystals!


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