The Life & Times of a 54 Year Old Online Dater

Thoughts on My Experiences In Search of Love & Companionship, 10 Years Running

Let’s Play A Game April 22, 2022

It’s 6:45pm on Friday night. Guess what I’m doing? Or going to do? Or have done? Or wearing? If you guessed already in pajamas, ready to tuck into a movie with my dogs and no other human company while doing laundry, you win! Yippee!! Who’d have guessed? Oh, that’s right, everyone.

Last Friday night my old neighbors, who I LOVE, unexpectedly brought their young kids by at 7:45 pm to say hi! Yey! Guess what I was wearing that time? Yes! A different pair of pajamas. At 7:45pm. On a Friday night. With witnesses. Yikes.

I am less than thrilled with the current offerings on Bumble and apparently the feeling is mutual. I deleted (almost) all of my stagnant message exchanges. For whatever reason, I have left the one that I messaged with a lot a couple of weeks ago who just stopped messaging. I know he either met someone else or died. What other reason could there be? You know who else I left in the stagnant strand? The Professor, who cancelled on me the day of, due to illness but suggested we ‘reschedule very soon!’. He must have died as well. What other reason could there be?

I’m not sure why I have left those 2 strands there, mockingly. Do I think they are going to magically reappear and ask me out? Maybe. Do I honestly think I wouldn’t pull out my best snarky questions about the large time gap in messages? Most definitely I would. So why then? I don’t know. *shrug*

I did match with someone at the beginning of the week as a total fluke. He was apparently just visiting and logged in while waiting for his flight home. I randomly logged in, after several days of not swiping left or right. We matched, we chatted, we have lots in common as far as mindsets, outlooks and ideals. He sort of a did a 180 with his life like I did a few years ago. He registers high on the empath scale (which, after Mr. OoT who definitely did not) is refreshing. He’s funny and witty and kind and doesn’t live in my state. Oh. And still has a child at home. Double Oh. And was SUPER weird on the phone. In that either there were actually many many squirrels or shiny objects in his vicinity while we were talking or he is ADD off the charts. We’ll see where this goes, if anywhere. We all know I tend to get bored/annoyed with getting to know someone before I know if there is any chemistry and I truly want to get know them. Meh, my online Tarot reader says I should embrace new ideals and changes in how I do things. I’ll give it a shot. Anywhoo, I shall call him The Pilot. He’s not a pilot, mind you, but I feel that sounds better and is easier to type than The Airline Steward and much more polite than Mr. ADD.

Happy Friday!


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